Enterprise onboarding

This guide will walk you through the steps of registering and creating organization accounts, adding members, billing account setup, price-plan subscription, consent request and managing app keys.

Create organizations

First, create applications and app keys for your organization on your Dashboard!

From the Handy Links section in the dashboard, you will find the Create and Manage Organizations button. It will take you to the right place to manage your organizations from the API Hub:

  1. Choose a name, how many seats (or members) it can have, invite other people to join by adding their username or e-mail address. Then, define your own role and how many people work in your organization. Check the information and confirm to continue.

    Tip: Tick the checkbox to authorize anyone with your organization's email domain request to join.

  2. A new page will be created from which you can manage your organization. You can also access it from the API Hub's top menu: Organizations > Manage Organizations.
  3. From the Manage Teams option, you can create a new team and add members to it!
  4. You can edit the information provided above about your organization in the Organization Settings submenu. It's also possible to delete your organizations from this option.

Request a billing account

Go back to your dashboard, scroll down to Organizations and click the New Billing Account button.

  1. Choose a name to identify your organization account. It can be any name of your choosing to uniquely identify it.
  2. In Business details, provide the official legal business name and taxation ID:
    • Your organization's official business name is the one that was registered on government forms or legal documents.
    • The taxpayer identification number (TIN), for example, in the US is the one issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  3. Provide the contact details of your organization's administrator.
  4. Fill in with your organization's business address:
    • The Country Code field should contain the alpha-2/3-letter code for your country. For example: The United States' country code is "US".
  5. Submit your billing request and wait for review! While the status is "waiting for review", it means the account is not created yet.

NOTE: It is important to provide accurate information to avoid delays in your billing account creation. Billing account is mandatory before you can use any of network as code services.

Subscribe to product price plans

  • Go to API Hub
  • Select the API
  • Select the Pricing tab
  • Select Context
  • Choose the Organization for which you are subscribing to the pricing plan
  • Choose the Pricing plan

If the Pricing Plans are not available, contact the Network as Code support team.

Register your devices and provide authorization access

Register your devices and authorize who can access them. Check our step-by-step Consent & Identity management guide.

Organization app keys

The Organizations section on your Dashboard shows app keys for all your organizations, including the ones you participate as a member or admin. Additionally, you can see your Teams and testing devices. However, you cannot manage these resources from your dashboard. For that, you will need to click Create and manage organizations and head over to the API Hub:

  1. Click Apps from the top-right corner.
  2. Choose your organization's name on the left menu.
  3. Select My Apps.
  4. And choose the app you want to manage from the list. A drop-down menu will show Analytics, Configuration, and Authorization options. Then, you can manage your apps, add new keys, and so on.

Last updated on July 25, 2024